This Surprising Cure for Skin Irritations Also Cures Toenail Fungus
Here’s a remedy that everyone should have in their home. It is so versatile. I have been prescribing it for years for all kinds of skin conditions. It helps everything from insect bites to skin pigments to wrinkles.
I’m talking about ozonated olive oil. Now a new study shows that it works for one of the most obnoxious skin problems out there — onychomycosis.
Now if you don’t know what onychomycosis is, don’t feel too bad. Most people know it simply as toenail fungus. But no matter what you call it, this is one of those skin disorders that bugs people the most. It’s unsightly. It makes it hard to trim the nails. And it’s incredibly difficult to get rid of. The conventional treatment is to use antifungal drugs like ketoconazole. But often these drugs can be toxic and expensive, and frequently they don’t work. This new study shows that ozonated olive oil works much better than even ketoconazole.
The researchers studied no less than 400 patients with onychomycosis. They treated half of them with ozonated olive oil twice a day. They treated the other half with ketoconazole cream 2%. The study went on for three months. They considered a patient cured when the nails regained the normal color, growth, and thickness, and also had a negative fungus culture. Compared to the ketoconazole group, the ozone group responded better and faster.
The ozone group saw positive changes within one month while the ketoconazole group took three months to see significant changes. And 95% of the ozonated oil patients were cured while only 13.5% of the ketoconazole group could make that claim. But it gets even better. After one year, only 2.8% of the ozonated oil folks had a recurrence compared to 44.4% of the drug group. And here’s the best part.
Ozonated olive oil is safe, inexpensive, keeps forever, and is effective for all kinds of skin disorders. Every home should have it available. You can order it by calling toll-free 877-543-3398. If you have any kind of irritation of the skin from a rash to an infection to an insect bite, it can help. So before you run right down to the dermatologist, just apply some of the oil two to three times per day. In all likelihood, you will save yourself the trip.
Ozonated olive oil is made by bubbling up ozone through olive oil. Through the process, the olive oil picks up the ozone and various naturally occurring peroxides are formed. It is these peroxides that are toxic to bacteria and fungi while at the same time stimulating the body’s own natural healing responses.
REF: Menéndez, S., L. Falcón, and Y. Maqueira. “Therapeutic efficacy of topical OLEOZON® in patients suffering from onychomycosis.” Mycoses. 2011 September;54(5):e272-7.